Dear Colleagues, It is another season for the Christians all over the world to gather & celebrate the resurrection of our saviour Jesus Christ who died to redeem mankind from sin. Easter is the Christian festival celebrated annually signalling joy and happiness to every one around us.
It is a season to celebrate his sacrifice and unconditional love for mankind. Therefore let us take out time as Christians in the profession of Medical Laboratory Science to reflect on the exemplary life Christ lived.
As we do this, it is important for us to allow his virtues which are love,peace, unity and forbearance to guide our conducts in our families,society and professional practice at this trying times in the life of mankind.
Obviously, this years’ celebration will be on a low key due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, which resulted in the total lock down of many nations of the world including major cities in Nigeria, thus making religious gatherings seemingly impossible. This again calls for moments of sober reflections and absolute sacrifices as exemplified by Christ even as we fight against this pandemic.
While I salute the sacrifices of the front line Medical Laboratory Scientists in COVID-19 response, I call on all other members of the profession not to be weary at this time, but to keep hope alive, remain prayerful and be of assistance to the less privileged around us. Hopefully, we shall overcome this pandemic triumphantly and our nation shall sing a new song of joy.
I heartily wish all of you an Easter blessed with peace, love and joyous moments amidst your loved ones.
Happy Easter!
Dr.Tosan Erhabor